Last Name : HAIDAR
First Name : Fedhila
Age : 22
Marital status : single
Diploma : Literary baccalaureate / Cabin Crew Attestation
Desired Career : Long hall flight instructor for cabin crew
Current occupation : cabin crew
Spoken languages : French , English , chimaore (native language)
Height: 180 cm
Weight : 75 kg
Hair color : Black
Eye color : Brown
Distinguishing marks : no
What are you favorite activities (hobbies, sports, etc.) ?
My favorite activities are : sport, discovery , sport
According to you, what is your main character trait ?
According to me my main character trait is : joyful , I always want to broadcast good vibes with happiness
What is your seduction asset and what do like best about you ?
My seduction asset is my personality, I like it because other people feels comfortable to understand each other
Main qualities ?
My qualities are the following : Imaginative, Enthusiastic , understanding and ambitious
Biggest flaws ?
My biggest flaws : I’m talkative and also timid when I feel impresses
What is the ideal profile of « the love of your life » ?
My ideal profile of the love of my life is someone we can complete each other to go far together the long of our relationship
What are your main motivations to participate at this contest ?
My motivation is to had a good performance during the adventure cause I’m representing Mayotte / France as the event will be here in Mayotte. Also do a good work team with the other
What would be the final successful realization of your dreams ?
The final Suces of my dream is to be cabin crew on a long haul flight and then apply for the position of flight instructor.
Do you have a particular talent ? If yes, give us some details.
What is the position of your country in relation to Europe ? What can you say in order to value it ?
My country is France . In France there is a lot of city / island to discover like Mayotte a land full multicultural practice and Mamany landscape.
Which other precisions could be useful to help us know better your personality ?
I’m really passionate about aviation and the history of my island , how thing doing here
Which is your idea of the MISTER EUROPE-EURONATIONS
For me a Mister Europe-Euronation is a men who work hard with the team , he is open mind , able to respond of each demand could be social , economic, cultural or politic