Last Name : Roch
First Name : Vincent
Age : 24
Marital status : single
Diploma : CFC Chef
Desired Career : Personal Trainer
Current occupation : Chef
Spoken languages : French and English
Height : 190 cm
Weight : 100 kg
Hair color : Brown
Eye color : Brown
Distinguishing marks : Tatto
What are you favorite activities (hobbies, sports, etc.) ?
Motorbike and Gym
According to you, what is your main character trait ?
What is your seduction asset and what do like best about you ?
My Body
Main qualities ?
Generous, Friendly, Perseverance
Biggest flaws ?
Unsatified and perfectionist
What is the ideal profile of « the love of your life » ?
Funny and Athlete
What are your main motivations to participate at this contest ?
Surpass myself and new experience
What would be the final successful realization of your dreams ?
To be able to open a gym with a small restaurant in Thailand
Do you have a particular talent ? If yes, give us some details.
I have lot of strength, I can lift big load
What is the position of your country in relation to Europe ? What can you say in order to value it ?
We are a small country with a lot of wealth and we contribute greatly to the stability of the UE
Which other precisions could be useful to help us know better your personality ?
I am an open-minded person, I don’t take my head. I like meet people and share good moments.
Which is your idea of the MISTER EUROPE-EURONATIONS
He must represent Europe internationally. He must always be available and smiling. He must be able to do humanitarian actions.